Considerations About Day Care
For many moms, there comes a time when when choosing a day care is part of the parenting process. Whatever the reason, it is not an easy decision. It can be a very stressful time because you are choosing the place where your sweet child will spend the better part of many days. As a former infant/toddler, twos, and preschool teacher, I have found myself giving friends and family advice when they are on their quest to find the best center for their child. There are a few things I always stress when having this talk and I would like to share some of those things with you in this article.
One thing that shocks most new parents is the high sticker price for child care. It is especially expensive for infants and toddlers. It is tempting to shop around for the best price, but you may be making sacrifices that aren’t apparent when you choose a less expensive day care. Centers that charge less have a smaller budget to run their business. Since it is a business, after all, you will find that these facilities go to great lengths to cut costs in order to keep their business profitable. This doesn’t mean that it is necessarily a bad place, but you will find that they are most likely striving to meet legal requirements and not much more.
For example, an infant/toddler ratio is four babies to one teacher/caregiver. Two-year-old children have a legal ratio of one teacher to twelve students. Depending on your experience with children, you may or may not realize that these legal requirements are quite a bare minimum. Twelve two-year-olds are A LOT of two-year-olds! As are four infants to one caregiver. I am not claiming it is an impossible situation, but when you consider the type of care and attention your child gets when they are one-on-one with mom and dad, they are definitely going to get less personalized care when the ratio goes up.
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