Guard Your Heart
Amanda’s post yesterday got me to thinking about all the things we do in our lives that seem innocent enough, but in reality can lead us down a path of destruction. Now, having a cup of coffee or watching a little tv isn’t going to kill us, but the influences we allow in our lives (including those on tv) can be dangerous.
About five years ago, I was an avid Oprah watcher. I loved how she seemed to have less drama and more information on her shows than other talk shows and how she was always encouraging people to be a better version of themselves. (Now some people may get mad at me for writing this and quite frankly I was having a hard time deciding if I should open this can of worms, but my heart said I should.) I remember watching one particular episode where she was talking about writing in her gratitude journal and something she said caught me off guard. She started talking about God, whom she had always claimed to follow, differently… like he was just a force and how we could harness the power He had by being good people. She stopped talking about Jesus and started talking about a spirituality that was anything but Christian. This belief system she supported grew and grew and she started promoting this “church” on her show. I saw how so many women in our culture blindly followed her, even after knowing the Truth, because she simply was Oprah. I felt sick.
Our culture tends to glamourize anything that celebrities do and women in our society are the ones that do it. We are the ones that read the gossip magazines, that watch the gossip type shows… now I’m not suggesting that all of us do it, but we as women seem to be more vulnerable to this vice. All this to say, the Bible warns us in 2 Timothy 3:5b-7 to “turn away from such people! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” By our very nature and by the proddings of society we are vulnerable to be influenced negatively.
I write all this to say that we have to guard our hearts like never before (Proverbs 4:23) so that we can be godly examples to our children. Let your children see you reading the Bible, praying, doing things that edify. Don’t let the negative influences, even the ones that society deems as positive, impact your life so that your heart is no longer guarded. It’s easy to let your guard down when something seems to be good… even when it’s not. And by all means, guard the hearts of the beautiful gifts God has given you to raise. What you bring into your life, you bring into theirs also.
How are you doing your best to guard your heart and that of your children? What negative influences have you omitted from your life in order to guard yourself?
Photo courtesy of WolfSoul
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