Sponsor Saturday: Win a Beautiful Baby Sling or a Nursing Cover from Tot-to-Go!
Sponsor Saturdays is a new feature on The Mom Crowd. Each Saturday we will be highlighting one of our six sponsors.
***Keep reading all the way to the end to find out how you can win a Baby Sling or Nursing Cover and a Promotion Code ***
Tot-to-Go has the coolest baby slings, nursing covers, and accessories. The founder, Shani Sam, is the mother of two beautiful girls. She started her company out of a need that arose after the birth of her first baby. I’ll let Shani share her story own in words.
Amanda: Why did you create Tot to Go?
Shani: Before my first daughter was born, I had decided that I would take a break from teaching after my one year maternity leave was up. This turned out to be the right decision and one of those things that was “just meant to be”. My first baby girl was 5lbs 11oz. She wasn’t as small as some preemies but she definitely was small for most standard baby carriers. The trouble was Madeline wanted to be carried all the time and I was feeling tired and frustrated. I tried many different brands and types of carriers and slings but I just couldn’t find one that I really loved so I decided to make my own. I didn’t get very far with my project when my daughter was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia, a rare and terminal liver condition. I put my idea aside and concentrated on taking care of my baby.
After Madeline had her liver transplant and was recovering well at home, I started working on my baby sling project again. I tried several designs and cuts and Madeline was the model for every single product I made at home. She was still very small after transplant and tired very easily. Having the slings around was fantastic for keeping her close to me throughout the day.
I went to a baby show and carried Madeline in one of our original slings and received compliments and inquiries all afternoon. Shortly after the baby show, I decided to try my hand at being an entrepreneur and put my baby sling on the market. The response has been so positive. People can relate to my story of constantly carrying my daughter in my arms and going crazy from pacing back and forth all day and all night (it’s pretty much what most parents go through!). When they hear or read about how the baby sling made my life easier and kept me from going insane, they also consider giving baby wearing a try. Why not? Baby wearing has been around for ages!
A:What makes your slings unique? Do you design them yourself?
S: There are so many baby slings and carriers on the market and many of them are very similar. When I was shopping for a sling for my first baby, I was really confused by the different fabric choices, complicated tiered pricing systems and whether to buy stretch or non stretch. I wanted to keep things very simple. All our slings are fully lined and reversible and made with 97% cotton and 3% Lycra for just the right amount of stretch. I like to think that we are priced pretty competitively for the quality product we offer.
Last year we started using custom fabrics and many of our customers say that is what sets us apart from local and North American competitors. I’m now trying my hand at designing my own fabric for an even more custom look. The goal is for people to see our beautiful prints and know right away that it’s a Tot-to-go.
A: What are the benefits of baby wearing?
S: Baby wearing provides a lot of great benefits for parents and babies. Babies love the womb like feeling of being carried in a sling or carrier. They enjoy listening to the comforting sound of your heart beat when being worn close to your body. Wearing your baby allows you to keep your hand free to complete daily tasks or to care and spend time with older children. Did you know that babies that are worn cry 43% less? Now that’s a benefit that most parents will appreciate!!! These are just a few reasons to wear your baby. Here is a bit of a personal reason that might seem silly but I like to wear my baby because the sling helps cover up my postpartum belly. Everyone is so interested in the baby and the sling that they don’t notice your extra bit of baby jiggle!
A: What is the weight range that the slings can hold?
S: Our baby slings are suitable for use for babies from newborn up to 34lbs. If you have a tiny baby, it helps to fold up a receiving blanket into a small rectangular “pillow” and tuck it in the sling first for support. Also remember that baby slings are sized for the parent and not the baby. You should be able to use the same size sling throughout your baby’s growth and development unless you experience a sudden weight loss or gain.
A: You also sell nursing covers. How does using a nursing cover make nursing in public easier?
S: Some moms are super comfortable with their bodies and don’t feel self-conscious about breastfeeding in public. Hooray for these mommies! I like to be covered up when breastfeeding in public and also at home when people visit. That’s just my personal thing. I don’t like people seeing parts of my body that I consider private. The funny thing is I talked to some other nursing moms who said they weren’t as worried about covering up their breasts in public as they were about hiding their tummies while breastfeeding. This isn’t such a biggie if you are wearing a nursing tank or top that provides discreet access for feeding. If you don’t want to invest in an expensive new nursing wardrobe, a nursing cover is an affordable option for breast AND tummy coverage! Using the cover is also great if your baby tends to be distracted by noises and sounds when you are out and about in public. I have recent experience nursing my new baby girl in public and I can attest that a nursing cover does come in handy!
A: Finally, you are the mom of 2 beautiful girls. What advice would you give to new mothers?
S: Something I learned the second time around is that you should try to accept any kind offers of help. If you can, delegate tasks out to helpful family members and friends. I don’t know what I would have done without my mother and mother-in-law when Olivia was born. My mother was kind enough to take care of big sister Madeline and my mother-in-law made sure my husband and I were well fed those first two weeks post partum. Make sure you nap whenever you can. I am not one to nap but I took everything opportunity to sleep whenever I could!
*** Win a Madeline Baby Sling OR Nursing Cover! (They are pictured above!) *** Now Closed
Here is how to enter:
- Go to Tot-to-Go’s website, pick your favorite sling design, and come back here and write in the comments of this post which is your favorite design!
Winners will be chosen at random and announced next Saturday on Aug. 15th. Good luck!
A special promotion code for The Mom Crowd Readers! Enjoy 15% off your purchase of $50 or more when you shop at www.tot-to-go.com. Code: momcrowd
Baby Sling – Jenn!
Nursing Cover – Amy K!
Thank you to everyone that entered!
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