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Fourth of July Link Round Up

by Amanda on July 3, 2008
category: Carousel Links

I am preparing to celebrate the Fourth of July by looking up ideas for crafts, food, and fun around the web. I love ideas that are practical, easy, and can be prepared in a short time frame. I am NOT Martha Stewart and I don’t aspire to be. So here is what I have found to help all of us party in style this Friday!



Games and Crafts

  • Dress up your teddy bears for Independence Day. Then keep your bear around as a mascot for USA during the Olympics in August.

What about the rest of the weekend?

Do you do anything special for the Fourth of July? Will hot dogs be involved? Will your kids cry during the fireworks?

Book Review: The Best Old Movies For Families

by Amanda on July 1, 2008
category: Pop culture,Product Reviews

I recently received a copy of Ty Burr’s book “The Best Old Movies for Families” from the TCM channel promoting their new summer show ‘TCM Essentials Jr.’ Every Sunday night hosts Abigail Breslin and Chris O’Donnell present a family-friendly classic. This Sunday is ‘Goodbye, Mr. Chips.’ The book was too good not to tell you about it.

bookcover.jpgThere is a reason that Ty Burr’s book, ‘The Best Old Movies for Families’ has received five stars in every review on Amazon.com. The book is a great reference guide to be used by parents to help them decide which old movies are appropriate to introduce to your children. People familiar with old movies can use this guide as well as those who don’t know anything about older films, but want to watch a great movie with their kid.

The author tested a lot of the movies on his two daughters whose ages are 9 and 11 and their friends. Mr. Burr has been a film critic for over ten years and has had many other jobs requiring him to watch movies. He claims that he averages about 1 movie a day and over thirty years that is 10,680 films. The author is one of those guys that make you want to pick their brain and discuss films and trivia all day. Luckily, we get to read his thoughts in the book.

bringingupbaby.jpgThe book focuses on films made in the golden age of the film studios, from the silent era to the early 1960s. The Introduction opens with a hilarious rant about the Hollywood-junk that is currently being spoon-fed to our children and the MPAA rating system. I found myself saying “Yes!” out loud many times and reading parts out loud to my husband. The author does recognize that your kids will still watch what is out today, but wants to build a bridge between parents and children and introduce them to a wider spectrum of films that aren’t trying to sell them something.

robinhood2.jpgAfter the first “Starter Kit” chapter, each subsequent chapter lists movies in its respective genre, like Comedy, Dramas, and Musicals. There is one chapter about movies not to show your kids. Then, each movie lists: the director, stars, appropriate age range, the sell, the plot, why it is in the book, useless trivia, pause button explanations, notes about the DVD extras and availability of the film, and further movie suggestions if your child liked the movie. The guide gives you great tools to help you decide if a movie is right for your child. However, the author does caution that if you are on the fence about a movie it is better to error on the side of caution and preview the film first.

The great writing is one of the reasons why this book is so highly rated. The writing is smart without being patronizing or dull. I feel like I know a little bit about Mr. Burr’s family and why his two girls enjoy showing old movies to their friends. Also, the book gives you practical suggestions on how and when to turn on an old movie. Hint: Don’t tell them it is good for them.

romanholiday.jpgI enjoy movies a lot and watched ‘Roman Holiday,’ ‘An Affair to Remember,’ and ‘Guys and Dolls’ as a kid. I enjoy catching an old movie once in a while now. I recently watched Hitchcock’s ‘North by Northwest’ for the first time and enjoyed watching Mr. Gable being chased. I hope that my little one will enjoy movies as much as I do. Now I am thankful to have a tool to help me decide what to watch with her.

If you made it through the review and want to win my copy – all you have to do is answer the question “What is your favorite movie from the golden age of film and why?” in the comment section. The giveaway will end this Sunday night at 10:00 p.m. and only one winner will be chosen at random. Also, be sure to leave your email address in the comment form, so I can reach you.


Vered from Momgrind.com is our winner! I assigned all the comments a number and entered them into random.org and hers was the first number to pop up. Congratulations!

Turner Classic Movies graciously agreed to sponsor my giveaway and will be sending Vered her book! Thank you to all that entered. (If you didn’t win, check your library for it. Mine had the book on the shelf.)


Episode 3 of The Mom Crowd Show!

by Amanda on June 29, 2008
category: Show

Here is Episode 3 of The Mom Crowd Show! We were able to leave the kiddos with their grandparents while we filmed and I think that is why we were so giddy. I hope you enjoy the show!

Also, did you know that we are in iTunes? Just search for “the mom crowd show” and we will come up. Select our show and click “Subscribe.” Then iTunes will download the show automatically every time a new episode comes out. The best part is that it is FREE! Also, if you are a regular iTunes user be sure to leave us a nice customer review. (It would be really sweet of you.)

The Mom Crowd Show Ep #3: Date Nights at Home, Using a Mirror During Delivery, and Quirky Bird Designs

Tired of not being able to afford a babysitter to go on a date? Have a date night at home! Have you thought about using a mirror during delivery? Hear what McKenna has to say about her experience. Plus, Amanda interviews Staci from Quirky Bird Designs. Finally, we share about our webpicks: Momgrind.com and Big Blueberry Eyes.


30 Ideas for a Date Night at Home

Using a Mirror During Delivery


Staci at Quirky Bird Designs

Evolving Mom

Workout Mommy

Mom on the Run

Iowa Avenue

Web Picks:

Vered at Mom Grind

Big Blueberry Eyes

RS Designs Summer Special!

by Amanda on June 27, 2008
category: Product Reviews


If you are looking to update your blog’s design stop by RS Designs and check out their Summer Special! The special ends on July 15 so you better act quickly. It is a great deal for $50. Updating your blog’s design is like getting a new dress that flatters you in all the right places and you can’t wait to show it off to everyone. So if you want to get a new look that makes you look amazing in cyberspace check out RS Designs.

More information about the special:

Summer Special – Custom Blog Design Package ($50)

In an effort to help parents keep in contact with their absent children, we are offering a special Summer Custom Design Package. (Please note: this offer is available to everyone, not just parents.) This package includes the following:

  • set up blog on Blogger (if needed)
  • custom header
  • custom background
  • custom signature

No substitutions are allowed; any other elements desired must be purchased from our A La Carte menu. This special offer is available only from June 16 – July 15, 2008. To order this package, simply e-mail us at admin [at] designsbyrs.com and ask for the Summer Custom Blog Design Package.

Click here for more information about the two talented ladies behind RS Designs, Linda and Revka .

The Working Mom Myth

by Amanda on June 24, 2008
category: Inspiration

This a guest post from my friend Myra who is the genius designer behind Moon and Back Studios. You can also find her blogging at WeMakeThree.com.

511610_working.jpgSome women work outside the home to keep their sanity. For others, it’s not a choice. Working outside the home is a financial necessity.

Whatever the reason you may be working, there is one thing I have learned: You can’t have it all. That’s right. It’s a myth. A well intentioned one perhaps, but it’s simply not possible to have it all. And I believe many women are nearly killing themselves trying.

In order for me to give my best to the two people I care about most, and balance that with having a demanding job as an executive, I’ve had to make concessions. Here are some things that I am learning to do:

1. Learn to say no. That’s right. You can do it. It was hard for me at first, but it’s a muscle I’ve learned to exercise. Sometimes it makes people unhappy. But my family is better for it.

2. Be happy where you are. Sometimes success and acquiring stuff can be a mirage. There’s always more to get. I’ve tried to learn to appreciate what I do have instead of comparing myself to others. Being thankful really takes the pressure off.

3. Separate your time. I have drawn a clear line between my work and family time. When I leave work, I call my husband for our ritual debriefing during my drive home. Then I try not to talk about it anymore.

4. Do one thing for yourself each day. When I get home, I usually take a half hour to run or walk so I can detox myself from the day. Then I’m ready to focus on family. I’m better for it.

5. Avoid the trappings of “mommy guilt”. Just do your best and focus on your kids when you’re with them. That’s what they’re going to remember.

Do you have tips for balancing career and family?

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