Feeding a Toddler is Stressful
I have been surveying a lot of my friends about what they feed their kids. I needed ideas on what to feed my 17 month old daughter and I wanted to know how my daughter’s diet compared with her peers. Turns out that that my daughter is normal. Since Annabelle has moved on from mashed baby food she has become picky, moody, and is eating less.
My pediatrician warned me that my baby’s appetite will decrease, because she isn’t growing as fast. She also told me that she won’t eat when she isn’t hungry. It makes sense, but sometimes you need a reminder.
My friends confirmed that being picky is perfectly normal at this age. It is frustrating when one day they love strawberries only to push them away the next day. My friend Myra wrote a phenomenal guest blog post here about her son’s picky eating habits. I think about that post often. Annabelle isn’t that picky, but I now understand better where Myra is coming from. She wrote about being judged in restaurants when she fed her son a PB&J. Now I feed Annabelle whatever she will eat, just to keep her in her seat and not to make a disturbance when we eat out. At home I try to be more strict and let her pout a little until she does calm down and eat whatever I placed on her tray.
I did get a few suggestions from my friends about food ideas. My friend Sarah made me feel better about feeding my child canned vegetables. They are soft and ready to go. Another friend only gets her daughter to eat protein once a day.
I could beat myself up about what my daughter eats, but I decided not to. In the last three days she has had cheese pizza, french fries, and pancakes. Not the food of champions. I used to pride myself in making homemade baby food and now I cheer if my daughter eats her chicken nuggets. Ensuring that my daughter actually eats the nutrition she needs is stressful, but it all comes along with the territory of parenting an increasingly independent toddler.
What do you feed your toddler? Do you have a picky eater? Do you find feeding your toddler stressful?
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