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A Fun Craft or Gift with Magnets, Pictures, and Glass Pebbles

by Amelia on July 30, 2008
category: 5 – 12 years (kid),Fun time & Toys

I got this idea from an online friend a while ago and I thought I’d share it with you guys. This is a very easy and fun craft to make. It makes a great gift for a friend or grandparent and your kids can be big helpers too!

I found all the supplies at Walmart except for one (noted below).

Here are the supplies you need: ewans-bike-015.jpg

  • Clear, glass, flat marbles–usually found in the floral section
  • 3/4″ magnet rounds–can be found in the craft section
  • Clear Silicone Adhesive–in the hardware section
  • 1/2″ hole punch–found at Joanne’s or Michaels
  • Small pictures found in magazines, your own pictures, clip art from the computer, letters printed out from your computer etc. (Use you imagination!)


  1. Use the 1/2″ hole punch to punch out pictures of your choosing. If you don’t want to use a whole punch then you can just use scissors. But, the hole punch takes a lot less time and kids like doing that part too.
  2. Squirt a pea size amount on the back of the marble. Put it on top of the picture and press down until the silicone spreads over the whole image.
  3. Wait a few minutes for the silicone to dry and then attach the marbles to the magnets using a small amount of silicone. Wait for them to dry and you are finished!

We made some for my niece’s birthday. We picked out a cool font on the computer and spelled her name. We cut out the letters and made the magnets so she would have her own special magnets to hang up her stuff on their refrigerator. I made a black background with hot pink letters and it turned out really cool. I wish I had a picture of it!

The cool thing about the glass pebbles is that they end up magnifying the picture so even though it looks really small when you cut it out, it looks really neat when you are finished.


Buying all the supplies cost me less than $20. The special hole puncher cost almost as much as all the other supplies put together. But, I have enough supplies to make a ton of magnets! This is a simple, fun, inexpensive, and easy craft. I hope you have fun making it to!

2 Responses to A Fun Craft or Gift with Magnets, Pictures, and Glass Pebbles

  • Comment by Dawn
    July 31, 2008 @ 3:30 pm

    super cool! will definitely be doing this in the future. i heart fun magnets.

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    Comment by Jennifer
    July 31, 2008 @ 5:08 pm

    Definitely a great gift idea. About 4 years ago, one of my friends gave me a box of the magnets she made with letters and small pictures as a gift and I loved them! I still have them on our refrigerator.

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