Welcome to the New Mom Crowd
Hi Everyone and Welcome to The Mom Crowd!
I’m Richel and I am the new Manager for the site! I have pulled a great team of mom’s together to continue with the amazing content and theme of this site and hope that you will all enjoy learning and sharing with all of us! We want you to feel at home and part of The Mom Crowd so if you ever have a question, idea or topic you would love to see featured, please contact us at contactthemomcrowd@gmail.com.
It’s important for mom’s to have a place where they know they can get support for each other that is non judgemental. As mom’s you know you are judged by everyone from the second you announce your pregnant, so let’s all remember that we are in the same boat around here. Some of our boats are pretty and pristine..others well not so much.. but we are all in the same crowd…..The Mom Crowd.
Motherhood is one of the greatest teachers in life and being a woman….well that’s a whole AP class on it’s own. I don’t think you have to have all the answers to be a great parent, I definitely don’t think you have to be perfect either. To be great parent you just need to have a lot of patience, a good sense of humor, a remarkable talent for multi-tasking and the understanding that it’s not always going to be about you…..at least until they hit adulthood.
You’ll find that each of the amazing women writing for us has their own unique take on motherhood, parenting and being a woman and together we really want place for moms (and non-moms, too!) to get honest feedback, amazing support, tried and true advice, and make the very best of friends. Join today and discover thousands of women just like you…Welcome to The Mom Crowd!
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