Please welcome Dawn our new Pop Culture Correspondent!
I am pleased to introduce to you our newest featured author Dawn! She will have a regular spot here every Friday sharing her thoughts and views of moms in pop culture. In December she received great response to her guest blog post ‘Unsung Wonder-Moms in Film.’
I am so excited that she is going to be writing for us every week! I have been following her blog for quite some time and I know that she is genuine and honest. She loves t.v., movies, pop culture, and photography. She is an active participant of Best Shot Monday and Thursday’s Theme. Her two adorable children make you want to nibble on their ears. Seriously, too cute.
About Dawn:
I am the proud mom of Lucy (born February 2006) and Eli (born July 2007). They are just seventeen months apart! Both of my pregnancies were relatively easy and fun, and I had c-sections with both kiddos. I breastfed Lucy for 13 months (yes, this overlapped well into my second pregnancy!), and I’m still nursing Eli. I have found being a stay at home mom both joyful and challenging. My husband is a youth pastor, which means I am still learning how to be content with his odd hours and frequent weekend activities. Before kids, I was an English teacher for 7 years. I’m a huge fan of movies, I watch far too much t.v., and I enjoy photography, blogging, and participating in church activities in my free time.
Be sure to stop by every Friday and give Dawn a shout out!
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Welcome, Dawn!! I am so looking forward to your Friday posts! I love love love pop culture and am a little too obsessed with Hollywood. You have two adorable children who are very close in age! AHHH!!!
Dawn, I look forward to your posts b/c, well, I now feel like I am cut off (once again) from American poop culture. Hey, it’s the price you pay living overseas.
AHHH! I just wrote “poop” when I meant “pop.” Stupid keyboard. Sorry about that, no pun intended
Sharon, I thought you wrote that on purpose! It does seem like some of the things in pop culture are a little poopie! Haha!
ha ha ha ha ha, POOP culture. with two kids in diapers i’m certainly an expert.
I really enjoyed your earlier post. Look forward to reading more on “Poop” Culture. Love that topic as well!
Leave it to a bunch of moms to start talking about POOP!!! HA HA HA!!