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Introducing ‘The Mom Crowd Show’!

by Amanda on May 28, 2008
category: Show,The Mom Crowd news

The Mom Crowd is proud to announce the very first episode of our video podcast, ‘The Mom Crowd Show’. On ‘The Mom Crowd Show’ McKenna and I (Amanda) discuss articles from this blog, share enlightening interviews and how-to’s from our friends, and highlight our favorite websites.

We had a lot fun filming and we still have A LOT to learn. I realized that I pronounce things weird sometimes. For example, instead of pronouncing Graco like “Gray-Co” I say “Grek-ko.” Please let us know what you think in the comments section. Also, be sure to check out the credits!


The Mom Crowd Show Ep. 1! Labor Tips, First Birthday Parties, and the Baby Expo

Are you going to deliver soon? Throwing a first birthday party? We discuss Amelia’s “Top 5 labor tips” and Amanda’s “20 Tips for a First Birthday Party.” Plus, we visit the San Antonio Baby Expo where Fisher-Price and Graco show off their new products. Finally, we share about our favorite websites: ds-health.com and retailmenot.com.


Amelia’s ‘Top 5 Labor Tips’

Amanda’s ’20 Tips for a Successful First Birthday Party’


Kara at karaspranger.com

Heidi Parker from Graco

Scott Schoenfeld from Fisher Price

Web Picks:



Babyproofing Your Hotel Room

by McKenna on May 28, 2008
category: 0 – 1 year (baby),1 – 3 year (toddler),Travel

Darah and Connor are into everything! They’re incredibly nosy and love snooping in trashcans, couch cushions, and cabinets. When we went on vacation, I knew I was going to have to be a few steps ahead of them if I didn’t want to constantly be saying, “don’t touch that,” “put that down,” “out of your mouth,” “leave that door shut,” “honey, can you please keep that away from him?” Taking a few extra moments to plan for the very un-baby proofed hotel room we were going to be staying at worked to everyone’s advantage.

Baby Level

  • Get down at your baby’s level and crawl around your entire hotel room looking for choking hazards, sharp edges, or anything that may be dangerous for your child. You’d be surprised at the odd things left behind from the previous guests in your room under the beds, in the chair cushion, and in the drawers. If you have a child who can open doors, bring along a couple of doorknob covers.

Duct tape

  • Duct tape will seriously be your best ali in baby proofing your hotel room. Cover outlets, tape up cables and cords, keep those closet doors that don’t have latches shut, and latch those drawers shut all with duct tape!

Balconies and Windows

  • Make sure that your child cannot open the door to your balcony and that the window coverings do not pose a danger to your curious child. Cords hanging from the blinds can be extremely dangerous, so make sure they are not in your child’s reach


  • Make sure you call ahead and request a crib for your child to sleep in, or pack your pack-and-play. My three year old is in a big-girl bed, however we made sure she had a pack-and-play crib to sleep in at night. Not only did this keep my children safe at night, it also served as a great time-out for my three year old when she was acting naughty.


  • I brought my own comet and sponge to clean the bathtub out for my kids. You don’t have to be that crazy like me, however you do need to make sure you keep an eye on the bathwater temperature! Hotels sometimes do not set their water heaters to the same level yours is at home, and so the water can get extremely hot very fast!

Common Sense

  • Never leave your child alone. You can take all the precautions you want, but you will never have a completely baby proofed room. Don’t forget the lock the deadbolt on your door as well to keep anyone with access to your room OUT!

What baby proofing tricks do you use when you’re on vacation?

“Sticker… Chart??”

by Dawn on May 27, 2008
category: 1 – 3 year (toddler),Potty time

dsc03500.JPG This is one of Lucy’s newest questions to ask when she does something well. Two weeks ago, we started using a sticker chart as a reward system for accomplishing small but important tasks. I decided it was worth a try, because our main problem was (and sometimes still is) getting her to keep her diaper on during naptime. For a few weeks, she would get into the crib and within minutes remove the diaper. If you’ve experienced this you know it’s enough to make you crazy!

Off the top of my head, I made up the chart pictured and listed the things that her dad and I would like to see her do without a fight, such as help clean up the toys, brush her teeth, and wash her hands. She has not taken to potty training yet, so we added several things relating to that area as well, recently adding “sitting on the potty without a diaper”. For each success, she gets a small sticker to put in the box. If she completes an entire row of stickers, she’ll get a prize. For now, it’s not hard to please her, so her prize is simply a larger sticker, which she wears on her shirt proudly. When she’s older, we’ll probably put together a little reward box and fill it with trinkets from the dollar store, and she can choose from that what she’d like to have as a reward.

We have seen this process work for us in numerous ways. A few evenings ago, I asked Lucy to brush her teeth, and she said no. I reminded her that she’d get a sticker on her chart if she did, and she promptly scooted herself into the bathroom and got to work. It was great to witness. We’ve also seen a general willingness to ask about the potty and to follow through with sitting on it – prior to the chart, it was as if the potty didn’t exist. So we’re hopeful that this trend will continue, and make the task of potty training a little easier in the future.

Here are links to more tips, charts, and ideas:

Free Printable Potty Training Charts and Certificates

Printable Certificates & Rewards

Spotlighting Good Behavior on iVillage

Changing a Toddler’s Behavior

Have you used sticker charts or reward systems with your children? What worked for you? What didn’t work?

It’s coming!

by Amanda on May 27, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news

Our new video podcast will be debuting a little later today! Be sure to check back and watch McKenna and I talk, visit a Baby Expo, and drink Mountain Dew!

UPDATE: A Free Song for the Road

by Amanda on May 23, 2008
category: Product Reviews,The Mom Crowd news

The Barenaked Ladies recently came out with a new children’s album called, “Snack Time.” You can download their song, “789″ for free here.

If you are traveling this weekend: Be careful and stay safe! If you are having a StayVacation (according to Good Morning America) at home: Have lots of fun! Remember to put on loads of sun screen.

Check back on Monday for an exciting announcement here at The Mom Crowd!


My pastor preached about remembering the Sabbath this morning at church. So my husband and I took the day off today. Our video podcast, “The Mom Crowd Show” will be debuting on Tuesday, instead of Monday. Which is fine, because hopefully most of you will be off with your family and bar-b-que-ing tomorrow! Happy Memorial Day!

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