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Moving Mayhem

by EJ on February 4, 2013
category: Practical Tips

My family of five and I are an average family. We make messes, break a glass here, loose a fork there, forget about homework until the morning its due, you know the normal things. I have no magic up my sleeves, though I check daily to see if I’ve missed it.  I have two boys under six, a husband in the military and my grandmother all under the same roof causing all sorts of chaos and havoc! This was all just fine until we added moving across the country into the mix. Upon the news to move we decided to put our house up for sale. Now, I know how to handle two kids on my own for months. I can change the oil in my car, mow the lawn, build a garage, juggle soccer, work out, and a whole lot more while my husband is deployed. But moving my family to the opposite side of the country…aahh, I don’t even know where to start and he’s home right now!


So I figure like anything else I might as well just jump in. My OCD allows me to keep my house clean on a daily basis, even if it’s a never ending battle, but now the OCD is in overdrive waiting for these showings to happen! Like I’m sure many of you are aware cleaning up after a two and five year old is no laughing matter. Then trying to keep the house spotless for the drop of a dime phone calls is a full time job in itself! When the two are combined we’re lucky if we can even remember our names by the end of the day! Here’s a few tips I’d like to share with you and remember I’m still going through this myself so bear with me!

  • There’s no point in trying to make the house spotless until before the kids are awake or until after they’ve passed out
  • Find all the local parks
  • Keep snacks handy in your car..purse..bag in the pantry
  • Plan on eating out on the weekends
  • Find a book, crossword or pick up knitting because you’re going to be at those parks for a while
  • Those Swiffer wet pads and dusters really are a time/life saver!

As you can see it’s mostly common sense things BUT when you’re trying to vacuum, chase a kid around attempting to get their socks on, sticking the dogs in the crate or car, finishing those dishes and quickly hiding all the miscellaneous things laying around, they tend to be forgotten! We all know moving is hard and we just can’t wait until we finally get it over with. Just remember that your house is as clean as its going to be because, well, you’re still living in it!! Chances are you’re going to be more stressed about the appearance of your house then the potential buyers are, they understand that you’re living there! Remember moms, your little ones are going through a lot too right now. Either they are simply too young to understand what is going on, or are just as nervous as you are about this new chapter in your life. Just breathe, laugh off the small things and make the most out of what little down time you have. Everything will fall, in one form or another, into place! Even for a super mom moving is mayhem!


Homeschooling Options-Today’s Homeschool Families

by Richel on February 2, 2013
category: 5 – 12 years (kid),Education

Homeschooling is not a one-size-fits all method and homeschooling families are as varied as the children they raise. What works best for one family does not necessarily work for another. However, all homeschooling families agree in one area: public education is failing and not the ideal place for raising children.

I realize also that homeschooling my children is a true gift.  I am able to do so because my husband has a great job and because I have been able to successfully work from home.  Our lives are not easy, but for us, this is the right fit.  The truth is, homeschooling is different for everyone.


Although homeschooling may seem a novel concept to some, the growth of a 20th century public school education depicted in media as lack luster is more so every day. Our current educational system was created during a whole different time.  We are such a technology based society and world, and sadly our educational system just has not caught up yet.  Today’s homeschooler has a vision for their child’s future.

Early history shows that homeschooling was the norm and many of the world’s greatest leaders, philosophers, scientists, musicians, poets, and thinkers enjoyed a homeschooling education. Some homeschooling families choose to have the mother as teacher while others used a private tutor. The truth is homeschooling is different for everyone.

Homeschooling saw resurgence in the late 70s to early 80s and in the 21st century, is no longer viewed as a strange or foreign educational choice.  We as a society needed alternatives to teach our children and homeschooling became a strong option.  Today’s homeschoolers are not all deeply religious people.  They are regular families, they are famous families, they are families that simple have a different idea of what their kids need.

If you are considering homeschooling here are something to consider:

  • Can you organize your life to make room for educating at home?
  • Are you aware of the state laws for homeschoolers in your area?
  • Can you make time to educate at home?
  • Are you willing to learn something new too?  You might have to teach something you don’t know much about.
  • Is your child-parent relationship open?  Is their good communication?
  • Can you afford to be at home and educate your child.
  • What kind of homeschooler will you be?  Will you use a online public school program like k-12 or will you choose your own curriculum?
  • Can you afford the investment.  If you choose to educate at home you will have some costs associated with buying curriculum, materials and other supplies.

With so many options, programs and unique qualities, if you choose to homeschool then there is an option out there that will fit your needs.  You just need to make the jump and go for it.  Remember every homeschool family takes their program one year at a time, so if you try it for a year and it does not work out for you, you can always go back to a traditional brick and mortar schooling program.  The important thing to remember is that you or your child don’t have to be unhappy with the current state of their educational program.  You can take charge, course a new direction and get back on the path of what education was created for:  to prepare and educate the young people of society and teach them that they can work hard and achieve all the goals they choose too.

Your Child and Social Media

by Sheila on January 28, 2013
category: 5 – 12 years (kid),Pop culture,Practical Tips

Chances are you’re one of the millions of users who log on daily to social media sites such as Facebook to converse with friends, follow the news, or just plain indulge in this socially acceptable habit. If you’re also a mother to a pre-teen, there’s a high probability that he/she also has an account; sometimes with or without parental permission.

Facebook currently restricts the minimum user age to 13 and while mom and dad may say no to signing up online (via their desktop), kids nowadays are accessing the site through their iPhones, iPads, or tablets. Facebook claims to eliminate an average of 800,000 users under the age of 13 a year (this, according to a June 2012 Consumer Reports Survey). However, it’s estimated still that a whopping 5.6 million kids are on Facebook; some with his/her parent’s permission. Surely there must be some good in this. Right?

fb baby

Facebook, like its famous predecessor Myspace, allows users to communicate on their own time. This is crucial to a child who may be shy and withdrawn and/or takes time to articulate what they want to say, but can’t, in person. The chat window for instance, helps a child further express themselves and make connections with people they may not feel as comfortable around face-to-face in the school setting, due to peer influence, classroom location, etc.. So then it’s okay to have my child create an online account? That is really up to each parent.


Welcome to the New Mom Crowd

by Richel on January 26, 2013
category: Uncategorized

Hi Everyone and Welcome to The Mom Crowd!

I’m Richel and I am the new Manager for the site!  I have pulled a great team of mom’s together to continue with the amazing content and theme of this site and hope that you will all enjoy learning and sharing with all of us! We want you to feel at home and part of The Mom Crowd so if you ever have a question, idea or topic you would love to see featured, please contact us at contactthemomcrowd@gmail.com.

It’s important for mom’s to have a place where they know they can get support for each other  that is non judgemental.  As mom’s you know you are judged by everyone from the second you announce your pregnant, so let’s all remember that we are in the same boat around here.  Some of our boats are pretty and pristine..others well not so much.. but we are all in the same crowd…..The Mom Crowd.


Motherhood is one of the greatest teachers in life and being a woman….well that’s a whole AP class on it’s own.  I don’t think you have to have all the answers to be a great parent, I definitely don’t think you have to be perfect either.  To be great parent you just need to have a lot of patience, a good sense of humor,  a remarkable talent for multi-tasking and the understanding that it’s not always going to be about you…..at least until they hit adulthood.

You’ll find that each of the amazing women writing for us has their own unique take on motherhood, parenting and being a woman and together we really want place for moms (and non-moms, too!) to get honest feedback, amazing support, tried and true advice, and make the very best of friends. Join today and discover thousands of women just like you…Welcome to The Mom Crowd!



Stocking Up on Replacement School Supplies

by Tina on December 10, 2012
category: Uncategorized

While most people jump on the “back to school” frenzy in August, few realize that students need new school supplies just after the long holiday winter break. With many budgets stretched to the max from holiday shopping, replenishing school supplies often takes a backseat. Getting the right school supplies for the second half of the school school year is paramount to ensuring a productive school year.

What Will They Need for the Second Half of the Year

Items like paper, pens, erasers and crayons are at the top of the list when it comes to replenishing supplies. Students often use up these items in the first half of the school year, only to come up empty after the holiday break. Unfortunately many stores don’t offer back to school sales in December and January.

Getting the best deals on these supplies requires advance planning. Double up on school supplies in August and September while they’re cheap. Pack away half of the supplies to be used in the second half of the school year. For your student, it will be just as fun as getting school goodies at the beginning of the year.  This is true for children that are home schooled so make sure if this is your child’s mode of learning, that they have new supplies too.

While your student can use the same textbook year round, it helps to restock supplemental books that can be used to enhance school lessons. These books help your student get a head start on their second semester lessons. Music books, workbooks and coloring books will probably be filled up,  worn out, and need replacing. Add in school supplies to your holiday shopping budget and save money on the things that your child needs for school.

New Clothes for a New Season

The biggest item you will need to replenish for the school year is clothing. Your child will need new clothing for the change in season. Have the best dressed child in school with new dresses, pants, sweaters and accessories. Children can be rough on their clothes so it’s imperative that you find quality crafted clothing that will grow with your child.

Even the youngest students will need new clothing after the holiday break. Active play and activities wear out clothes quickly. Get the best skirts, jeans, slacks and shirts for your little one by shopping sales and buying well made clothing. By purchasing quality clothing that can outlast even the most enthusiastic play time, you will be getting the best value for your money.

Restocking school supplies after the holiday break is crucial for school success. Stock up on pencils, art supplies, notebooks and trendy outfits for your star student. Shop online today.

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