“Mom, Can I Play On The Computer?” : Kids and Computer Time
“Mo-om, can I play on the computer?” How many of you hear that everyday?
How old are your kids and do you let them play on the computer? My 4 and 5 year old enjoy games and activities on the computer. Isaac, my 4 year old, would play everyday if I let him–which isn’t a bad thing per say. He would also watch tv all day if I let him. I probably would too if I weren’t responsible for taking care of the house and 3 kids–if you ever come over sometime you would probably wonder when I take care of the house (based on the tornado design of it all) but that is a whole other topic! I digress. Anyway, I don’t like to have the kids watch an hour of tv and also get sucked into playing on the computer for another hour. I’m curious about what other parents allow their kids to play on the computer and how much time you give for computer time. When do you let your kids play on the computer?
My two favorite websites for kids are PBSKids and Starfall. PBS Kids has a TON of games (educational and plain fun) based on all the kids shows that air on PBS. My boys love playing Martha Speaks, Word World (one of my own favorite cartoons), and Super Why. Curious George also has some fun videos they enjoy watching. I like how it is good, clean fun and they are learning about words, matching, science, and how to pay attention to details.
StarFall is a new discovery that I learned about from another mom friend of mine. StarFall is a website that helps kids learn how to read, learn letters, sounds etc. It is AMAZING! Isaac started on the reading games and has worked his way through several of the games one by one. In just a few weeks of playing around on the website he is reading a lot more than he was before. He has a knack for reading though–and the website has been a way to nurture his love for learning how to read. My 5 year old enjoys the games too but he usually doesn’t ask to play the “reading website”. He also hasn’t had as much time to poke around on it.
Another website I let them play on (one time) was Hasbro. Hasbro has some really fun things on it–like G.I. Joe and Spiderman cartoons. They have some matching games and puzzles too but I knew that once they discovered cartoons were just a click away it would all go downhill from there. The cartoons are so cool–but honestly, I’d rather them play educational games. What can I say, I’m one of those “let your kids be nerdy” moms. Hasbro also has a Connect Four game. I didn’t show the kids that one–I bookmarked it and play on the rare occasion when I have nothing else to do. Which is never. I can usually be found poking around on Facebook for my computer time. And there is always something else I should be doing. Again, a whole other topic- (Coming soon-What Do You Do To Escape From Your Kids?).
So, what do you think about kids and the computer? How much is too much? Should you avoid it as long as possible? What fun sites do you let your kids play on? Share with the rest of us!
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