10 Signs You Might Be a Frugal Mama
At a recent dinner party I attended the husbands were lovingly razzing us Stay at Homes Moms, because we only call them at work to see if we can spend fifteen bucks at Target. One husband wondered out loud how a mom who “stays home” could use so much gas in one week. The wives and I retorted that they should be thankful for having such low maintenance wives and how in the big picture we barely spend money.
One mom and I realized that we don’t even wash our face with proper face wash, because we are so cheap. So this got me thinking about what other things make us frugal mamas.
Here are 10 signs that you might be a Frugal Mama:
1. You wear the same three pair of blue jeans over and over.
2. You love the little red stickers at Target.
3. You buy Easter and Christmas dresses for the next year on clearance the year before.
4. You check the Baby+Kids section of Craigslist everyday looking for deals.
5. You are up early on Saturday mornings hitting the sales in front yards.
6. You talk yourself out of buying the items you picked up while standing in the checkout line.
7. You brag about what you saved in coupons and sales after every trip to the grocery store.
8. You haven’t had a hair cut in six months.
9. You love the challenge of coming in under budget.
10. You don’t buy toys, because you wait for family and friends to buy them for you.
What makes you a Frugal Mama?
- photo courtesy of iChris.
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