News from The Mom Crowd
I hope everyone had a great weekend! We did a theme night Saturday night and stuffed our faces with Indian food and watched ‘The Namesake.’
Just wanted to let you know that if everything goes according to plan the next episode of The Mom Crowd Show! will be out next Monday. McKenna was away this week at the National Down Syndrome Conference. Also, McKenna and I are running a 5K this weekend and will be filming the show at the finish line.
Finally, be sure to check out our new Promo Code page. There are some fabulous discounts from Moon and Back Studios, Shop at Baby Cakes, and Bugalug Baby!
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And what did you think of The Namesake? I liked it, though it ran a little long.
Dawn, The Namesake was okay. I had read the book, so I had to watch the movie. Gogol was a much happier person in the movie version. Daniel thought it was a little depressing. I told him that the book was lot more depressing than the movie. Since the movie was happier than the book I liked it. But overall it was okay and like you said – long.
I’m back!! With my debriefing of my trip!
Good luck on your run girls! I hope the heat is nice to you!