Episode 4 of The Mom Crowd Show!
Here is Episode 4 of The Mom Crowd Show! McKenna and I filmed it right after we finished running a 5K. So you get to see us in all our sweaty glory. Thankfully you can’t smell us. I also got to innterview my friend, Kristin, who is a mom of two boys and has lost 90 pounds! Watch the video and hear how she did it!
The Mom Crowd Show Ep #4: Running a 5K and Kristin’s 90 Pound Weight Loss Story
McKenna and Amanda complete a 5K and talk about the race. Amanda interviews Kristin about her amazing story of losing 90 pounds by getting up and running every morning. Finally, we share about our webpicks: Runnersworld.com and Mapmyrun.com.
Web Picks:
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WTG Kristen! How inspiring! Amanda, thanks for holding me accountable and getting me off my butt for this race! Filming after running 3.1 miles is tough!
Congrats Amanda on completing your first 5K race! As well as McKenna and Dawn! Just maybe when I no longer have achilles or arch issues, I’ll be able to get back to running.
After meeting Kristin and seeing her at several get-togethers, I would never have known she lost 90 lbs. How truly inspiring is her testimony! BTW, what park were you and Kristin at Amanda?
@Heidi – Thanks! It was certainly my first 5K in a long time. I hope your achilles and arch issues get better! Kristin and I were at McAllister Park. There are some really nice walking trails there. I have a route that does a circle and it takes me about 45 minutes to go around twice.
@McKenna, Yeah, I don’t think filming a show after we just ran was one of our brightest ideas.
I love your shows.
Great job on the race and Kristin – WOW – that’s a truly inspiring story!
Congrats! Finishing your first race is a huge accomplishment! Just be warned that 5K’s can get addictive…there are so many good ones!
Hey, congrats. Excellent times. I have run one 5K race, then upped it to 10Ks. Now my brother has convinced me to do a half marathon in the Spring. I love racing. Hugely motivating (nobody wants to be last!), and while I prefer to run alone for training, the energy of a race is awesome!
WTG Ladies!!! You’ve motivated me to get back into the swing of things!!! I wish I was there to run it with you!
I finally had the chance to watch this episode tonight! Great job, ladies!! I am totally encouraged by everyone’s enthusiasm about running, losing some weight, meeting goals, & just working towards general good health.
I appreciate your little shout-out for my own 5k from last Saturday; I finished in a time I shall not mention; not my best effort. I need to learn more about pacing and put it into practice.
I am starting to make this public now; I’m taking the plunge and I’m signing up for a half-marathon in November. Training officially starts for me in a few weeks. Yowzers!!
I really loved Kristin’s advice; completely doable, totally realistic. I hope I look that good in another year & a half; I weighed more than she did after my second pregnancy. Gotta keep it up!