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Have a Great Thanksgiving Weekend!

by Amanda on November 26, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news

betty.jpg The Mom Crowd is taking the rest of the week off to be with our families. In the mean time you should check out Betty Confidential, a website chocked full of interesting articles for women. They just recently published McKenna’s post about Living Within Your Means. You will also see other The Mom Crowd posts on Betty too! So go check out Betty Confidential!

Enjoy your weekend and remember to be thankful. Even when your family is driving you nuts or your favorite football is losing. (Although,  the Texas Longhorns have no reason to lose to the Aggies tomorrow night!)

I know I am thankful for my Preggy Card which entitles me to seconds thirds of everything! :)


Taking Monday Off

by Amanda on October 26, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news

I am taking Monday off from blogging, because I am still recovering from spending four days with my mother. My parents were in town this weekend for a Vietnam reunion that my dad attended. After every visit it makes me glad that I live four hours away from them. They seem to suck all my energy from me with their Eeyore attitudes and constant bickering. It is hard work to stay out their fights when they try to pull my husband and I into them to take sides.

I am glad that my mom got to see her granddaughter even though she questioned my parenting skills. She really didn’t see why I don’t want my 17 month old to have diet coke.  So after wearing my hard shell and letting comments roll off my back all weekend, I am pooped. I am taking the day off and driving a total of 6 hours roundtrip to go see my oldest friend’s new baby.

The Raffle Ends Tomorrow!

by Amanda on September 26, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news

The raffle benefiting Bethany’s adoption ends tomorrow! Tickets are $5 and there are A LOT of cool prizes worth well over five bucks. Click here to enter the raffle!

Also, if you are in San Antonio tomorrow is the Buddy Walk out at Fort Sam. It is free to walk this year. It starts bright and early at 7:00 a.m. The walk is at 9:00 a.m. Come out and support Down syndrome!

I’m the Carrie Bradshaw of Motherhood

by Amanda on September 24, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news

According to Bianca Valenzuela the San Antonio anchor of Fox News First I am the Carrie Bradshaw of motherhood. I wouldn’t quite go so far to say that, but my husband got very excited that that would mean he is the Mr. Big of motherhood.

Fox News aired their story on me being a Mommy Blogger yesterday. I think it turned out well, although they did get my age wrong. At least they said I was younger than I am! I am just glad that we were able to get my house clean in time. I think television makes your house appear cleaner than it actually is.

Check out The Mom Crowd on TV!

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Oops. Friday Didn’t Happen

by Amanda on July 26, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news

Yeah, um, we forgot about Friday. We were either on vacation, dealing with a sick child, just posted an article, or staring at a lined trashcan. The last one would be me (Amanda). Two weeks ago I found out that I am pregnant with our second little one. This week I have been laying as still as I can and barfing into the trashcan beside my bed.

Although, I didn’t feel too nauseated not to watch the best show of the summer – So You Think You Can Dance! Can you believe that Will got voted off? I am not sad one bit. Go Chelsie and Joshua!

Back to my point. I have been sick. I have sent out a few emails to my caring friends whining about being nauseated and praying that it goes away sooner than 20 weeks this time around.

So in honor of my morning sickness. Here is a link to my post with 20 Tips for Dealing with Morning, Noon, and Night Sickness. I have certainly been eating whatever I can keep down (hooray for Eggos and bean and cheese tacos.)

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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