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Attention San Antonio Readers: Free Photography Sessions by Shutter Happy

by Amanda on February 15, 2009
category: The Mom Crowd news


Do you live in San Antonio and want some fabulous photos of your kids? You should check out Boerne’s premiere children’s portrait artist, Amy at Shutter Happy Photography. She is hosting free photography sessions between now and March 31st for a National Model Search. You can check out the details here. You can also find out more information about booking for Easter photographs and bluebonnet photos at her blog!

It’s Mama’s Birthday Today

by Amanda on February 4, 2009
category: The Mom Crowd news

I normally post on Wednesdays, but today is my birthday and I am taking the day off (from the internet anyway, I am not sure if diapers are included. ha!) I woke up to the aroma of French Toast being made downstairs this morning. My husband is great. I have a full day ahead of me with Bible study, lunching at the Cheesecake Factory, and a small dinner out with some friends tonight. My girls-only baby-shower and birthday party is this Friday night and I can’t wait.

In other The Mom Crowd news, we have a new design coming out very soon! I am super excited about it. Some of the major elements will be the same, but the site will have a fresher and more polished look and it will be easier to read. I just need to bug my husband to get the site all coded up for me and working. I don’t nag him for house chores, but I will when it comes to website stuff!

I hope you all have a great day today too!

Guest Post on HomeMaker Barbi!

by Amanda on January 29, 2009
category: The Mom Crowd news,Uncategorized

Stop by HomeMakerBarbi.com and check out my guest post about Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). Danelle has a fantastic site full of useful information! Be sure to check it out!

Sometimes Life Throws a Curve Ball

by Amanda on December 31, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news

As you can tell I didn’t get my post up about financial goals today. I have them written (really I do), but I just couldn’t make a cohesive post last night or even tonight for that matter. My mom broke her hip and had surgery to place a pin in it yesterday.

On Sunday my 56-year-old mom got stuck in the hallway and couldn’t move while we were making the four hour drive home to San Antonio from visiting my parents for Christmas. Apparently she had fallen about 2 weeks ago and didn’t tell anyone and she was finally in severe pain. Luckily my brother and sister cajoled her to go to the Emergency Room Sunday night. Turns out that it was broken and she had surgery. We drove back to Houston the next day.

Before I even knew about the hip stuff I had planned on coming back to Houston to clean my parent’s house before I gave birth. I just didn’t know it would be so soon. Today is the only day that my Super Duper Cleaner Sister-in-law was able to help clean the house. My mother is a pack rat and her ability to adequately clean after three inside dogs, three cats, four fish tanks, and one bird cage has waned over the years. We attacked today. I threw out tons of garbage and stuff I hope my mom doesn’t miss. She is also diabetic and I had at least one garbage bag full of sweets. She may buy them again, but at least it will be fresh sweet stuff.

My mom is doing well. She refused therapy this morning, but did get up for physical therapy this afternoon. It will still be a while before she is home and walking. She thinks she is going to be home in a couple of days. I am not looking forward to the fight about going into the inpatient rehab facility. But that is for another day.

One more thing, did I mention that my family has lots of family drama and I am the only one that everyone is speaking to? I get to be a peacemaker and go-between in all of this. Oh, and I am 30 weeks pregnant and I have a toddler with me. Needless to say, I am exhausted.

Thanks for letting me whine a little here at The Mom Crowd. I am sure I am not the only child to have to start caring for a parent or has to do their own version of Clean Sweep on their parents house.

I am taking a break from visiting and cleaning tomorrow afternoon and I am looking forward to finishing up my goals series. Please come back soon and check them out!

The Mom Crowd on Betty Confidential Again

by Amanda on December 8, 2008
category: The Mom Crowd news

My post about sex while pregnant has been published over at BettyConfidential.com. So far everyone is giving it a rating of 5 stars. When I looked it up and showed it to my husband this morning, he noticed that my face was bright red. I am writing about s-e-x on the web. So maybe I am like the Carrie Bradshaw of motherhood like the Fox News reporter said. Except my Carrie is married and has only had sex with one guy, but like her, sex can be like a fairytale (except when I am pregnant!) Check out the article here.

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