36 Kid Friendly YouTube Videos that Won’t Annoy You!
Many times my ten month old crawls over to me while I am busy emailing and checking updates online. I pick her up on my lap and together we enjoy watching YouTube videos. Ace jumps up and down on my lap and talks back to the monitor while we watch. We tend to watch the same videos each time, so I researched YouTube and found a few more videos that we can watch together.
Below I list 36 videos that are kid-safe and won’t annoy you. The videos are divided into seven sections: Pop Stars and Kid Shows, Classics, YouTube Classics, Geography Songs, Laurie Berkner Band, Nickelodeon, Tiny Toons, and Ralph’s world. To view the videos click on the photo of the video. So grab your little one and enjoy!
- Pop Stars and Kid Shows
Chris Brown and Elmo Singing on Sesame Street
REM and The Muppets – Shiny Happy People
Elmo and Goo Goo Dolls
James Blunt on Sesame Street
High School Musical Singing Veggietale’s Hairbrush Song
Elijah Wood – Numa Numa – Yo Gabba Gabba! Dancy Dance
Lisa Loeb and Elizabeth Mitchell – Stop and Go
Lisa Loeb and Elizabeth Mitchell – Catch the Moon
- Classics
Sesame Street – How Crayons Are Made
Fraggle Rock Intro
Johnny Cash and the Muppets “Orange blossom special/Jackson”
Sesame Street: Jazzy Alphabet Around a City
Pixar’s “For The Birds” with Dialogue
Pixar’s “For The Birds” with Squeaking Birds
- YouTube Classics
Charlie bit my finger – again!
The Original Cuppycake Video
Crank That Soulja Boy – Kid Dancing on Sidewalk
- Geography Songs
Animaniacs – Nations Of The World
They Might Be Giants – Alphabet Of Nations
Animaniacs – Wakko’s 50 State Capitols
- Laurie Berkner Band
I’m Gonna Catch You
Bumblebee (Buzz Buzz)
Victor Vito
Pig on Her Head
Song in My Tummy
- Nickelodeon
Backyardigans Intro – In Spanish!
Yo Gabba Gabba! – Party In My Tummy
Yo Gabba Gabba! – Pick It Up
Yo Gabba Gabba! – Make Music With Your Body
You Gabba Gabba! – Clean Up
- Tiny Toons
Tiny Toons Intro
The Name Game
Buster sings “Do You Love Me!”
- Ralph’s World
We Are Ants!
Coffee Song
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I love all the Elmo ones, and that Lisa Loeb music is great! Are those songs from her lullaby album? It was beautiful.
Dawn – I looked it up and the Lisa Loeb songs are from a c.d. called “Catch the Moon.”
I love the dub of Elijah Wood on Yo Gabba Gabba. I am so addicted to that show. I also really like the “Pick It Up” song from Yo Gabba Gabba and Laurie Berkner’s “I’m Gonna Catch You.”
ah, man! i’ll have to check some of these out! the crayon thing from sesame street!! makes me think of the 12345.678910.1112 song from sesame street! and did anyone else watch schoolhouse rock??
I didn’t watch Schoolhouse Rock growing up but I sure showed it in my classes as a teacher! “Unpack your adjectives!”
Yes, that’s the album I was remembering, Amanda – Catch the Moon – a whole cd for kids from the genius mind of Lisa Loeb. We checked it out at the library last fall. Thanks for looking it up!
ps. Every time I see that James Blunt clip on Sesame Street I crack up. Such a funny send up of the song.
We’ve watched Fraggle Rock and the Backyardigans (which is the only pre-school show I totally enjoy) several times! And david likes MLP, not sure what I think about that.
Dawn, I’ll have to see if I can get that Lisa Loeb album off of iTunes. It sounds good!
I have to say that “charlie bit my finger” bit is hilarious. I have watched it a few times just for laughs. That Charlie baby is so cute and chunky!
I’ll try for toddler approval on some of these sites. My Andy really likes Sesame Street’s “Ladybuy Picnic”. Thanks for all the cool sites. The ladybugs are starting to get old.
How about the 1970s School House Rock videos? Or shall that go in a special category for elementary grade aged kids?